Sunday, September 11, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make an Arnold Palmer! 

Lately, I've been realizing that my attitude has been getting bogged down by all the challenges I'm facing in my life.  For those keeping track, I still have no job, I still live in my parents' house, I still have no money, my car just cost another arm and a leg to repair, my computer is in and out of commission, and I have a fake tooth in the front of my face, which throws off my diet and makes chewing even semi-soft foods a little more difficult.  And that's not including the drama in my personal life.

So I decided (at least today) to try and find the positive any which way I can.  This brilliant idea of mine came to me as I was preparing to switch out my twin bed for my full bed.  I was cleaning out some space and I found an old diary (we're talking mid-90's) that someone had given me as a gift.  There were several quotes and literary passages throughout the book, and I saw one that really spoke to me:

"The most thoroughly wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed."
Sébastien-Roch Nicolas Chamfort

Upon reading this, I made an executive decision to laugh at, or about, at least one thing every day.  If that means I have to watch a certain movie, or talk to certain people, or just imagine myself into a laughing fit, so be it.  I will find a reason to laugh, or at least smile about something.

And now, for your enjoyment, I present to you my latest, big-laugh-inducing anecdote (and video).

Last night, I spent my evening hanging out with my friend Brandon (I'm sure he'll get a nickname too eventually... we have been spending increasing amounts of time together) and with champagne-induced curiosity we searched through his instant Netflix for a movie with talking animals.  So after deciding to watch The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer (a poorly computer animated children's movie with Christian undertones... and also some overtly sexual innuendo, if you have a gutter brain like me) we found ourselves rewinding several scenes.  The scene you are about to see is... well... I'll let you decide for yourself.  But I definitely needed a rewind after the double take I did the first time.

Yeah.  That really just happened. 

Bonus factoids about this movie:
  • That blue baby dolphin (whose name is Sparky), while absolutely adorable, is definitely an undiagnosed narcoleptic.
  • There's a song.  Something about Fly, Daniel Dolphin, Fly... you can YouTube it.
  • Even though the animation is reminiscent of Nintendo64, and the dialogue is bad, and it's a movie for children... it's actually pretty hilarious.  As long as you're not sober.  Be in a happy, giggly place.  I promise you won't regret it.
I want to "Mystery Science Theater 3000" the crap outta this movie.

1 comment:

  1. Hey now, great post :) It's nice to hear you talk like this!

    Also, something else to make you laugh:

    Take a listen. You won't regret it. haha.
