Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things..."

That's the plan, anyway. 

Of course, now that I've said that, my mind is blank.  Or maybe I'm just delirious.  I have been musing about this blog--what I would call it, what it would look like, what I would write about--for approximately the last 36 hours, and seeing as it is 3:20am at the moment, my brain is not operating at full speed.  However, this is only my first post, so I suppose that's okay.

That being said, I can at least explain to you that I am a girlie, perfectionist, left-handed nerd.  I think too much, but I love to dream.  I love theatre, and movies, and I'm convinced that there is a part of my brain that has devoted itself to retaining absurd amounts of related trivia.  I have recently discovered a passion for cooking, and all things food.  Well, okay, I always had a thing for food.

A few more quick things before I go:
  • I have plans to make this blog look a lot cuter.  It bothers me that it isn't done, but it's almost 4am, so I'll deal for now.
  • No, Alice in Wonderland is not my favorite book, movie, or Disney Character.  The name "Allison Wonderland," however, has managed to stick with me since I was a kid.
  • I really enjoy writing.  It makes me feel smart.
So to sum up this delirious, expository, initial post, I will say this:  I am at a really weird place in my life, so I figure why not share my awkward and hilarious journey with the world.  No sense keeping it all to myself when I could be providing perfect strangers with high quality entertainment.  Did I mention I speak sarcasm?  Oh no, I've started to ramble.  I think I'll shut up now.

1 comment:

  1. there is a part of my brain that has devoted itself to retaining absurd amounts of related trivia.
    yep :)

    Of course your blog is this color. ha. And, btw, you write quite well. I don't know if I had noticed that before. But you do!
