Monday, September 27, 2010

Warm, Fuzzy, Nostalgia...

     Oh my goodness, a blog in the afternoon?  This can't be!  IT IS!

     This is what happens on a relaxing day with my mom.  We're watching television and I have my computer out, and my screen saver is a slideshow of my pictures.  Sometimes, a picture will come up and it will remind me of how I felt when it was taken.

     Today brought a particularly hilarious breed of Warm-Fuzzies, when I caught a glipse of this on my screen...

   This wonderfully delightful image was captured by my good friend Ashley.  On this day, we drove from San Diego to Los Angeles to wait in line at Lance Bass's book signing at Borders at The Grove.  You have to understand that from the first time I was introduced to *NSYNC's music, until approximately this moment, Lance Bass was my biggest celebrity crush.  Go ahead, its okay to laugh. 

     Anyway, the thing I love most about this picture is how it absolutely captures the essence of the moment.  It is written all over my face.  There he was, Lance Bass, in person, right in front of me.  I had dreamed of this moment a million times, and it was really happening.  In my imaginations of this moment, I am sorry to report, severely overestimated my actual abilities to be charming and clever upon meeting someone I idolized as much as I did Lance.

     He spoke first (a direct comment about the t-shirt I was wearing), and that was it.  I was absolutely unglued.  I had been hyperventilating for some time already (yes, really), so I kissed my hopes of appearing charming and normal goodbye.  The sentence I had prepared in my head had suddenly erased itself from my memory, and any chance of a clever substitute was long gone. 

     My brain was screaming at me.  "WORDS!! SAY WORDS!! SPEAK YOU IDIOT, SPEAK!!"  The pressure was building since my allotted time with Lance would soon end to make room for the next person in line -- which in this case, happened to be Ashley.  Wasn't it nice of her to let me go first?  Without any other solution, in the interest of time, my brain went on autopilot and concocted a phrase that would most precisely get my point across.  "I love you.  Can I have a hug?"

     I'm not exaggerating.  I really said that. Out loud.  Of course, my brain immediately scolded me for it.  "WHAT??? You have spent almost a decade dreaming of this exact moment, and THAT is how you're gonna leave an impression?!"  In point of fact, he did give me the hug I asked for and my book now bears his autograph and a wristband bookmark. 

     So I dedicate this post to you, Ashley.  Thank you so much for capturing such a fantastic memory to be treasured (and laughed at) for the rest of my life.

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