Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting my Mid-November Laugh On!

     Hey guys!  It's been forever, and I apologize.  I have been super busy these past couple weeks, PA-ing my little ass off!!  I am, however, back to tell you guys (all three and a half of you) more stories of my adventures in Wonderland.  So, without further ado...

     I spent this past weekend with my Cousin Face (someone, I imagine you will hear a lot about) Tamra.  She had a rough week, so I baked her some cookies and went out to Guada-La Habra on Saturday to spend time with her.  She lives with her brother and his family, so it was nice to get to play with the kids and hang out with her brother and his wife, since I don't see them as often as I might like to.  Later that day, I brought Cousin Face back down to the valley so we could go see a very good friend of mine play a comedy show at The Spotlight Comedy Club in Studio City.

     A few quick words about Cousin Face:  we are two years apart in age, and have always been very close.  Many have called us two halves of the same old soul.  Or they have made reference to those old cartoons where the good and bad sides of one's conscience are manifested as an angel and a devil sitting on each shoulder.  I'll let you figure out who is who.  I have a firm belief that God made us cousins because the universe couldn't handle us as sisters.

     We arrived in the valley in time for primping before a night out, the results of which can be seen here:

Yeah, we're pretty hot.   
     To keep this short and sweet, I'll tell you that the comedy show was awesome.  There were definitely a few comedians that could stand to work on their material and delivery, but that is to be expected, and bias aside, my friend Ryan Shores, and Mike Wentz (both local San Diego comedians) were the best part of the show.  The host did a pretty good job, too.

     I'll spare you the stories of our post-show adventures, but I will leave you with this:

     Both Ryan Shores and Mike Wentz are fantastic comedians, and if you are blessed with their presence in your town, you should definitely check out their show.  That being said, they can also be found on YouTube, so you should check them out there too.  Trust me, you will NOT be disappointed!

1 comment:

  1. oh, well I thought you were gonna add a bit more to this post. haha.
