Friday, December 3, 2010

In-Office Bowling...

Hello Wonderers!!

Instead of moaning and groaning about the really unfortunate chain of events that ended my work day last night, I thought I would tell you about this new awesomely strange game I get to play at work.

The lights in our office are on an automatic motion sensor.  After a while, when there's no movement out in the front of the suite (and most of the time, there isn't) the lights go out.  My boss, "Big D" (gotta love this industry) really hates it when it's dark, so whenever the lights go out, I have to make movement happen for the little motion sensors so the lights go back on.  Instead of playing stand up/sit down all day, we have figured out a much more effective (and WAY more fun) method of turning the lights on.

We went through many ideas (stand-up/sit-down, paper airplanes, etc.) before coming up with the perfect solution.  In-Office Bowling.

Among our office decorations, we have a big work out ball.

The size was very important, because if it were smaller, it might not be detected by the motion sensor.  Basically, there are no pins or points or rules.  It's not really much of a game.  But it does mean that every so often, I get up from my little desk, and granny-roll the ball down to the other side of the suite.  I apologize for the darkness, and the size....


So there you have it.  In-Office Bowling.  Ta and da.

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