Wednesday, October 13, 2010


     Okay, in case you haven't figured it out by now, I am a complete and total Gleek.  Never in my life have I watched a show that made me emote out loud the way Glee does.  And that includes Friends.  I was first introduced to the show last summer by my friend Rachel who showed me the pilot via Hulu.  She was shocked I hadn't seen it, and after she showed me that very first episode, I was hooked.  If you haven't joined the Glee bandwagon, I HIGHLY recommend giving the show a try.

     As season one rolled on, the more hooked I became.  I found (and continue to find) so many moments in the show, from song choices, to day dreams that hold significance in my own life.  This show makes me (forgive the cliché) laugh, cry, scream, jump around... it's pretty ridiculous.  Well, I suppose, I'm pretty ridiculous, but that's not really the point here.  The point is simply to explain to you, my deep, unabashed love for the show.

     That being said, season two has taken a while to warm up to the Glee I have come to love.  The first few episodes were alright, they had their moments.  Mostly, however, I've been disappointed.  And being disappointed in anything you love that much is a hard feeling to come to grips with.  Rachel's diva routine grew tiresome about as quickly as a fat man with a jump rope, and the Britney/Brittany episode was basically just a compilation of music videos without any real storyline.  And Glee is nothing without a storyline so full of heart that the viewer cannot help but relate.  And then, I saw last night's episode, and my faith was restored!

     Watching Kurt make eyes at newcomer, Sam, just about made my whole night.  The song selection was fantastic, the performances were spot-on, and yes, I had a complete and total "Gleek Out."  AND, as if the episode weren't good enough on its own, the previews for the upcoming Rocky Horror Glee Show sent me into a squealing fit so long, that my mother actually asked me to leave the room.  I would go so far as to call it a full on Glee-gasm.

     Why a Rocky Horror Glee-gasm?  I'll tell you!  They have already conquered songs from the musical "A Chorus Line," a show, and more importantly, soundtrack very near and dear to my heart since I was 12 years old and my class did a number in our annual Variety Show to "One," which if you don't know, is the finale of the show.  Now that they are attempting Rocky Horror, I am even more excited.  This is because, the year before my class did "One," a group of us did "Time Warp," and I even had my own tap solo, wearing a costume that made me look vaguely like a ladybug with an afro.  No, I don't have pictures, and even if I did, I wouldn't show you.  So there.

     So to make a long story short (too late!), here's to Glee, for a successful episode, and hopefully, many more to come!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree about the Britney episode. It totally disappointed! But you are right, last night's storyline was MORE of a storyline in general. YAY!
