Friday, October 8, 2010

What would YOU like for breakfast, Johnny?


     It's okay if you have no idea what I'm talking about.  I hope you do, but if you don't, here ya go.  Enjoy.

     So, the other day, I was feeling very "chef-y" and as luck would have it, we had a few bananas that were going bad on hand.  And one of the best things to do with bananas that are on their way past ripe is make banana muffins.  I cannot give you the recipe, because it was created by a very close, family friend.  I can however tell you that when made in mini muffin form (it makes enough to create your own mini muffin army) they are so delightfully pop-able, that it really is -- wait for it -- hard to stop.  Here are a couple of images of my banana mini muffin battalion:

     The nice thing about this particular recipe, is that it works well in most forms.  You could bake regular sized muffins, or a loaf, and the taste would be just as awesome.  There are nuts in the original recipe, but for the sake of  time and laziness, I left them out.  Also I'm not so much a fan of nuts in my baked goods.

     In other news, I forgot that babies are little germ farms, so as a result of my day of volunteering at Lisa's preschool, I have a little head cold.  Started in my throat, now it's in my sinuses, and I am struggling to understand how one person can create so much nasty crap.  I have already gone through one box of Kleenex, and I'm making a dent in a second one.  If only weight loss was as easy as blowing one's nose.  C'est la vie!

1 comment:

  1. I want a muffin!!!! "You'll eat it and you'll like it!"

    ...nasty crap. haha.
